UoN BusCom and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand collaborated to present ‘Future connections’ at the University of Newcastle's NeW Space on Thursday, 19 September 2019. The evening was a great success, connecting students with industry and leading employers (and opportunities) across Newcastle and the Hunter.
Attendees heard from keynote speakers, Joshua Robb (Associate Director at SV Partners & Chair, Newcastle CA ANZ) and Dr Marcus Rodrigs ("academic practitioner" and Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Business School), who provided first-hand information on a career in business and accounting, and offered insight into the future of the industry and the opportunities the future holds. The CA Student Reps, Julia Weber and Claire Piper, did a fantastic job facilitating the event on the night and also gave an overview of the CA Program. Ryan Maginnity, President of BusCom thanked the speakers, partner employers and encouraged everyone to make the most of the night, ask questions and be inspired to seize opportunities. Helen McNairney of UoN Careers and Student Development gave an overview of the services the Careers team provides, what employers are looking for in graduates and gave some tips to lead in to the informal networking.
Over canapés, students engaged with representatives from various firms in the region - the energy in the room was incredible. A special thank you to partner employers for contributing:
Prosperity Advisers Group
PKF Sydney & Newcastle
PwC Australia
Pitcher Partners
SiDCOR chartered accountants
SV Partners
D Woods Accounting
Peoplefusion (Sare Simeonov)